Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cow Tipping 2 - Jesus and Politics

Cow Tipping - 2
August 14, 2011
Pastor Dan Southerland

... is a fan of country music (not the old twangy stuff, the new young stuff).

... list of worst Country Music song titles (and shared a few of his favorites with us): 

Drop Kick me Jesus through the Goal Posts of Life
I've been roped and thrown by Jesus in the Holy Ghost Corral

How can I miss you if you won't go away?
I would have writ you a letter but I couldn't spell yuck.
I'm just a bug on the windshield of life
If you don't leave me along I'll go and find someone else who will
If you leave me, can I come too?
She made toothpicks out of the timber of my heart?
Momma get the hammer, there's a fly on Daddy's head
Get your biscuits in the oven and your buns in the bed.

... he's not making these up!

Big idea for this series:  Jesus expects us to examine our beliefs in the light of scripture.

Sacred cow: A belief that adds up to something that isn't necessarily true.  Sincerity doesn't make a belief true.  Take the belief and hold it up in the light of scripture. 

"All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives.  It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to observe what is right."
2 Timothy 3:16 (NLT)

... Scripture corrects us and teaches us.  You should leave church feeling corrected and feeling like you can learn to change.  Change by correction or encouragement or both.

Today's sacred cow: when it comes to politics, Jesus is a member of my political party.

... We've just decided that he's on our side.  Let's stuff Jesus in the small box of a political platform.  He don't fit.

The truth of scripture:  Jesus’ purpose is higher than politics.

... Let's have a little fun.  Context:  How can we understand from the 21st centurary what was happening in the 1st century. 

The politics of Jesus day – a three party system:

    * Pharisees – party of religious and cultural purity – preservers of traditional values – conservatives.  ... Rule keepers, litmus tests.  Hard on everyone, particularly on Jesus.  Political Right Party (way to the right).
    * Saducees – no belief in life to come – emphasis on here and now – religious liberals. ... Did not believe in an afterlife, if there's only this life, we'd better do some good now, the only thing that lives after us is our influence, or legacy.  Love to ask ridiculous questions.  Answered questions with questions.  Doing good was more important than God (doing the stuff that made you look morally good). 
    * Zealots – fanatical crusaders – wanted to overthrow the political system – revolutionaries. ... Rebels looking for a cause; looking to over throw everything.  Always armed.  The original conceal and carry folks.  Carried large knives or short swords under their garmets.  Always looking for a fight.  Simon the Zealot, the Knife Carrier, one of Jesus' disciples. 

... not much has changed in 21 centuries in politics.  It's about the nature of man. 

Jesus endorsed none of these political parties.

... was courted by all the parties, but he never endorsed any of them.  Why?  He had a higher purpose.  If politics could change the world, God would have sent a politician.  But because we needed a savior, that's who he sent. 

Why did Jesus not get involved in politics?

    * Jesus was building a different Kingdom.
      My Kingdom is not of this world.  John 18:36
    * Jesus was focused on regeneration (on saving souls).
      I came to seek and to save those who are lost.  John 19:10

... Jesus is conservative in theology, moderate in his habits, and liberal in his love.  He doesn't fit our labels.

Would Jesus endorse any political party today?

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Hebrews 13:8

... He did not.  Is he endorsing one today.  He is not.  He has a higher purpose. 

What are our civil responsibilities as Christ followers?

    * Recognize the authority of government.
      Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. 
- Romans 13:1 (NLT)

    * Pray for the leaders of our government.
      I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  This is good, and pleases God our Savior …”  
- 1 Timothy 2:1-3

Prayer:  (You don't have to like someone to pray for them) 

Prayer for our President (and other government leaders): 

Jesus, in all the years of my life, I've never been this concerned for our country.  We are economically wrecked.  We have forfeited the position of the strongest economic nation in the world.  We are morally bankrupt.  We have forfeited our position as the leader of morality in this world.  And, God, it feelsl ike we are politically adrift.  Jesus I know you use everyone in authority.  Change is possible.  Prayer is necessary.  You want us to beseech you.  So right now we lift up the Presidence of the United States to you.  I cannot imagine the burden he carries, the pressure he is under.  And Lord, I think he's probably at the "I can't do this alone" place.  I pray he turns to you.  Lord, surround him with wise consellors and let him hear  for your Word.  Forgive me Lord for spending more time being critical than I have in prayer.  In Christ's name, Amen. 
To view the video of this message (later in the week - usually around Wednesday) follow this link.

1 comment:

  1. Relative to sincerity not making a belief true: C. S. Lewis wrote, "The state of mind which desperate desire working on a strong imagination can manufacture is not faith in the Christian sense."
