Raising G Rated Kids in an R Rated World - 4
October 24, 2010
Dan Southerland
John Huber (Family Pastor)
Reactive prayers: In crisis mode
Proactive prayers
Survey results from 50 of our teens:
"If my parents only knew ..."
- drinking, drugs and sex
- peer pressure
- pressure to succeed; terrified to fail
- my parent's ability to relate to me
Prayer for one kid proactively ... pass over to Pastor Dan
Big idea for this series: my greatest
opportunity to change the world for Christ is the
kids God has put in my life.
Big idea for this teaching: there is nothing I do for the kids in my life that matters more than
Join Jesus in what He is already doing.(theological premise)
You need the prayer; I need the practice (turn to your neighbor)
John 17 - Jesus prays for His kids
(second favorite theologian after Charlie Brown)
John Wesley:
Pray like it all depends on God.
Work like it all depends on you.
Three Prayers Jesus Prays for His Kids (and Three Actions to Go With Them)
1. Pray for your kid's
Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name. - John 17:11 (NIV)
I’m not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from evil. - John 17:15 (NIV)
- from bad choices
- from bad friends
- from bad habits
Is your home a
safe place for your kids?
2. Pray for your kid's
May they have the full measure of my joy within them. - John 17:13 (NIV)
- salvation experience
- service orientation
- security
How is the
fun factor in your home?
3. Pray for your kid's
Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth. John 17:11 (NLT)
Luke 2:52 (Jesus 12 years old for his bar mitzvah)
- wisdom; grow intelectually
- stature; physical growth
- favor with men; socially
- favor with God; spiritually
Let your kids see Jesus in you.
It is
never too late to start praying for your kids.
It is
always too early to stop.